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Churro Dip for the Big Game or Anytime

There’s going to be a lot of wings eaten for the last game of the professional football season. And a lot of pizza. And a lot of savory food. We think there should be sweet treats for your sports banquet. Sweet Churro Dip This was a spontaneous idea from Mrs. WellDone as she was talking […]


Egg Salad Dip for the Big Game

Egg Salad Dip The idea for this dip came from that beautiful image and our family’s obsession with deviled eggs. I mean we really, really like deviled eggs, but sometimes I find there’s more steps to make them that I would like. Am I being whiney? Yes. Do I still hate filling the hard boiled […]


Bacon French Onion Dip

It’s time to watch the final game of the football season and to do that, you’re going to need snacks. May I present: Bacon French Onion Dip I’m a huge fan of dip. I mean, I like chips a bunch, too, but for me one of the ultimate snacks is some nice sturdy chips and […]


Trader Joe’s Copycat Caramelized Onion Dip

I think the expression is bad artists copy, great chefs copycat… or something like that. Caramelized Onion Dip Inspired By Trader Joe’s… There comes times in a food blogger’s life when they realize that everything that happened before that one perfect bite was meaningless and everything after is but a pale reflection of that brush […]


Samantha No Snob Somm

Like most people who start a bourbon channel, I’ve really been getting into wine recently. I blame the movies Somm, Somm 2 and Somm 3 for kindling a desire to drink more wine in me. And they make me want to do that whole blind tasting thing which just seems cool. Anyway, just as Hillary […]


Are you ready for some hot wings?

Football + Wings = Winning As you can see, hot wings come from very special chickens. Only the hottest chickens will do… In all seriousness, the football playoffs are here, that big game that is particularly suuuper is coming soon, and then it’s March madness. With that said, it’s wing time. While hot wings are […]