Month: February 2010


Have Pig, Will Dinner (And Wine, too!)

Hey, like I said in my last post, Jasper’s Restaurant in Kansas City really is having a Slow Food Pork Demo and Dinner, which is proudly called from Snout to Tail (click on the link for the Google Calendar reminder.)   I’m pretty excited about it.  Scratch that, I really excited. Why?  Well, I kind of […]

Meatless Monday, recipes, vegan

#MeatlessMonday Vegan Pork Albondigas with Match Meat and Red Gold Tomato Sauce

Because I can’t promote just one thing in a post, let’s do #MeatlessMonday Vegan Pork Albondigas with Match Meat and Red Gold Tomato Sauce Phew.  That’s a mouthful.  This post is like already like NASCAR car.  It’s just covered in ads.  Hrmm…let’s see how much worse I can make it. Anyway, this is the promised second […]


#MeatlessMonday Match Meat Pizza

Match Meat Pizza It’s another #MeatlessMonday!!  But wait you say, it’s Thursday!  That’s true, it is Thursday, but I’ve been pretty lax in my support of #MeatlessMonday the past few weeks and I wanted to get back in the swing of things.  So all this week, we’re doing meatless recipes.  (By the way, next week […]


#MeatlessMonday Creamy Potato Soup

So the question was asked at today’s #FNI what’s my favorite soup, which has to be Creamy Potato Soup Specifically, the creamy potato soup from Panera served with a nice piece of whole wheat French baguette.  (Though, I answered Beef Barley soup, but that was just pandering.)  Anyway, I got to thinking how a good creamy potato […]


#LetsLunch A Little Touch of Romance

It’s Valentine’s Day, what are you going to do for romance?  How about a nice Asparagus and Avocado Salad Now, maybe you think I’ve lost my mind here and you probably wouldn’t be too far off.  But see, I know my other #letslunch compatriots are going to do romantic meals with chocolate and probably strawberries […]