Maybe there can only be one perfect Valentine’s Day food and maybe not. Yesterday, I was pretty sure the Porterhouse steak is perfect for Valentine’s Day (because it’s really two steaks in one and, therefore, perfect for sharing.) Then I got to thinking…maybe it’s not a steak, maybe it’s actually an avocado.
You see the ancients felt that avocados were aphrodisiacs (and if I told you why, you would literally never look at them the same way. Yeah, pay no attention to their shape…)
But despite the teenage-boy-ness of ancient food aficionados, avocados are tasty, they are full of the good kind of fat, and therefore good for Valentine’s favorite shape: the heart. I’m not saying you have to eat avocados this Valentine’s Day, but if you do, I recommend mashing them with a little salt, pepper, and a splash of rice wine vinegar. Spread that over a porterhouse or an omelet and you will feel the love all day long.
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