Where Do You Get Your Recipes?

I’ve noticed something curious about how I find recipes.  I used to eschew all my cookbooks and head right to FoodNetwork.com anytime I needed a recipe.  That worked for a while, especially when I was in college and the Internet was working towards its current omnipresent state.

However, due in large part to the awfulness of the Food Network’s search engine, I’ve started using Google as my recipe manager.  If I want to learn how to make something, I head there first and look at what the world has offered up for recipes.  Once I’ve read 2-3 recipes, then I go to the Food Network and compare.  I still find that FoodNetwork.com quality controls their recipes better than most sites and that their recipes are more well-written so I tend to check there and use a recipe that is an amalgamation of what I found via Google and the technique writeups on FoodNetwork.com.

How are you finding recipes?

1 Comment

  1. I usually go to google and search on “recipe namethefood” where “namethefood” is what I’m looking for a recipe for. That way I get more than just foodnetwork recipes (which I do like) but other site/variations. Good Luck = Paul

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