Soyrizo Taquitos – Junk Food Post #8

Vegan TaquiotsAnd now… day 8 of unResolution month.  Hopefully at this point, unResolution month needs no introduction and you are happily eating away.  (And maybe going to the gym. :))

Today, I turn the focus of unResolution month from comfort foods (with a minor deviation into cookies) to straight vegetarian/vegan food that also happens to be ridiculously bad for you.  Because, after all I did become veg for the health benefits. 🙂

So anyway…

Vegan Soyrizo Taquitos

This is one of my all-time favorite vegan meals.  Taquitos are small tubes of tortilla that have been rolled with flavorful, (usually Mexican-inspired) filling.  Usually it’s beef, but sometimes chicken or chorizo.  Once the rolling is done, the whole thing is tossed into a deep fryer and made extra delicious because everything is better when fried.

Of course, if this weren’t unResolution month I would say roll them, stick them with a toothpick and bake them with a light coating of olive oil.  But this is unResolution month and you must fry!!!

Oh, and if you are wondering what Soyrizo is…it’s a soy based chorizo meat alternative.  I actually like it better than a lot of real chorizo that I have had because it is not nearly as oily.  Still, it’s kind of grainy, so it works best hidden a dish.

Making the Soyrizo Taquitos

Taquito construction is very simple and this recipe is no different.

You will need:

  • 1 tube of soyrizo
  • 1/2 cup vegan sour cream (1/2 cup cashew cream cheese or 1/4 cup hemp or soy milk)
  • 12 small flour tortillas
  • oil for frying
  • Salsa, guacamole, or vegan shreds for topping

Mix the soyrizo and vegan sour cream until well incorporated.

Put a heaping tablespoon on a tortilla and cover it with the filling.

Start at one end and begin rolling the tortilla (like a cigar or like a burrito with open ends.)

Heat the oil to 350 degrees (or medium high flame on the skillet.)  Fry the taquitos for 2-3 minutes until golden brown.

Serve with salsa, guacamole, or vegan cheese and enjoy!

BTW…I have a non-vegan version with a guac recipe on my Soyrizo Taquitos recipe.

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