Dreams of Robert is Here

Mamey SapoteRobert is Here, I am Not There

What you see to the left is called Mamey Sapote or just mamey.  This culinary wonder was purchased at a place called Robert is Here in Homestead, FL (which is a suburb of Miami, FL and is listed as a place you should go when you visit the Everglades.)

I didn’t really know what to think when I went to Robert is Here.  I knew it was supposed to be a cool fruit stand, but how cool can a fruit stand be.  (Spoiler alert: very.) 

I did learn Robert is Here got its name when the original owner had his son, Robert, hold up a sign that said he was there…and people stopped to buy their produce.  Fast forward to today and Robert is Here is paradise for people who love fruit, shakes, petting zoos, play areas or all the above.

When you drive up, the building looks like a fruit stand, just a bit longer.  Then you notice the lines.  Then you notice it’s the first Florida location on the National Culinary Heritage Register (and then, if you’re me you go look up what that is.)  And then you’re inside and you realize that you’ve entered someplace magical…

The Place for Exotic Fruit

Robert is Here is known for selling exotic and rare fruit (and regular fruit, too!)  You can enjoy pineapples and mangos and the best freaking orange juice the Family Perrin has every had.  Still, if you’re like us, you also have to try the fresh cacao, mangosteens, miracle fruit, apple bananas, guanbana, sapodilla and lot more.  Basically, if you have ever of it, there’s a good chance Robert is Here has it.  And if you haven’t heard of it, there’s a good chance Robert is Here has it.

All you have to do is fill up your basket and take it to the counter.  They will slice it for you so that you can head back to your car or a picnic table in the play area and dig in.  Bring wet naps.  Fruit is juicy.

Kansas in the Winter is Not Robert is Here

I wrote this post because it’s February and the produce in America’s heartland isn’t what it will be in a few months.  It was nice to stroll down memory lane to a time when it was warm and the fruit was soft, sweet, and juicy.  To a time when I had mamey, a fruit I swear tastes and feels like pumpkin pie.

I hope to go back soon, but in the meantime if you find yourself in Southern Florida, Homestead isn’t far away.  Try the mamey.  You will love it.



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