Fluffernutters – Junk Food Post #25

Marshmallow Fluff = AwesomeWell, for tonight’s unResolution month post, I was going to post my Daring Baker’s challenge for the month.  However, my Daring Bakers attempt for the evening was EPIC FAIL.  EPIC FAIL.  Thank goodness I have a few more days.

So instead, I am going to do something real quick and easy, and sort of not dessert-y.  But at the same time, set this dessert down in front of the right crowd and they will love you for it.

Tonight we’re doing…


What the heck is a fluffernutter anyway?  Well, it’s a sandwich that part marshmellow fluff, part peanut butter, and 100% more sugar than anyone needs in their lifetime, but they are sooo good.  So good in fact, that you really don’t need to kick them up with anything.  However, this is unResolution month, so we gotta do something.  How about chocolate?

Making a Fluffernutter

You will need:

  • 2 slices white bread (please no whole grains.  Could that be any less unResolution monthish?)
  • 2 tablespoons peanut butter
  • 2 tablespoons marshmallow fluff
  • Hershey’s chocolate sauce

Toast the bread in a toaster.  Spread the peanut butter and the marshmallow fluff on the bread.  Close sandwich.  Dip into chocolate sauce.  Enjoy!


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