Author: Chris Perrin


Churro Dip for the Big Game or Anytime

There’s going to be a lot of wings eaten for the last game of the professional football season. And a lot of pizza. And a lot of savory food. We think there should be sweet treats for your sports banquet. Sweet Churro Dip This was a spontaneous idea from Mrs. WellDone as she was talking […]


Egg Salad Dip for the Big Game

Egg Salad Dip The idea for this dip came from that beautiful image and our family’s obsession with deviled eggs. I mean we really, really like deviled eggs, but sometimes I find there’s more steps to make them that I would like. Am I being whiney? Yes. Do I still hate filling the hard boiled […]


Bacon French Onion Dip

It’s time to watch the final game of the football season and to do that, you’re going to need snacks. May I present: Bacon French Onion Dip I’m a huge fan of dip. I mean, I like chips a bunch, too, but for me one of the ultimate snacks is some nice sturdy chips and […]


Trader Joe’s Copycat Caramelized Onion Dip

I think the expression is bad artists copy, great chefs copycat… or something like that. Caramelized Onion Dip Inspired By Trader Joe’s… There comes times in a food blogger’s life when they realize that everything that happened before that one perfect bite was meaningless and everything after is but a pale reflection of that brush […]


Samantha No Snob Somm

Like most people who start a bourbon channel, I’ve really been getting into wine recently. I blame the movies Somm, Somm 2 and Somm 3 for kindling a desire to drink more wine in me. And they make me want to do that whole blind tasting thing which just seems cool. Anyway, just as Hillary […]