Grilled Green Onions It’s not May and I’m already bored with the usual cast of grilling characters. In the WellDone household, we do the usual suspects on the grill: chicken breasts, steaks, flank steaks, carrots, onions, and peppers. Sometimes we even do tomatoes to make a nice fire roasted salsa. But me, I want something more. […]
Cooking With Your Kids: The Sushi Chef’s Noodles
I can’t believe I haven’t shared my recipe for The Sushi Chef’s Noodles Seriously, this is one of my son’s absolute favorite dishes in the world. What is it? It’s the noodles we get when we go to “sushi.” Which to the rest of the world is usually called “Japanese steakhouse,” but in my […]
#MeatlessMonday and Cooking With Your Kids: Apple, Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwiches
Happy #MeatlessMonday! Today we’re talking about Cooking with Your Kids and making Apple, Banana, and Peanut Butter Sandwiches Yes, this recipe is very simple, but it’s important to know that there are fun, meatless alternatives we can give our kids that aren’t fried or full of sugar. Sure, some peanut butters are little more than […]
Cooking With Your Kids: Healthy Fried Rice
BWD, Jr. loves his rice, so let’s talk about Healthy Fried Rice I know, there’s something about “fried rice” that means it can’t be healthy, right? It has the word fried in it, so it has to bad. Listen,I know I’ve seen fried rice made where it in no way resembled a health food. It was dripping […]
Cooking With Your Kids: Purple Cabbage Slaw
Ready for something a little daring, try Purple Cabbage Slaw (Note: purple cabbage = red cabbage, but at home we call it purple cabbage.) Okay, as a “kid dish” this slaw is a bit of a risk. First and foremost, it’s a slaw. That means lots of vegetables and in the case of this slaw, there’s […]
Cooking With Your Kids: Rainbow Wraps
Okay, so for the next seven days I’m going to be posting on Cooking With Your Kids. Seven recipes that you and your children will like. (Oh, and don’t tell them, but I’m going to try and make them healthy as well as fun.) To get thing started, I thought I’d call in a ringer: […]
#MeatlessMonday Spicy Vegetable Pilaf
From hunger comes inspiration like #MeatlessMonday Spicy Vegetable Pilaf So, as usual, it’s Monday, so happy #MeatlessMonday!! Hopefully everyone is enjoying their weekly respite on meat. Or maybe you’re just looking for something tasty for dinner… well look no further. Anyway, this is a simple dinner that can be done with minimal prep and be […]
#MeatlessMonday Le Seuer Pea Pasta with Red Gold Tomoates
First of all, Chef Jasper, this recipe was not an attempt to copy your Pasta alla Nanni, though I’d be lying if I said that Le Seuer Pea Pasta with Red Gold Tomatoes didn’t take one of its ingredients for your famous pasta dish. But more on that in a minute. First thing’s first. Welcome […]
#MeatlessMonday Vegetable Stir Fry
So, I was asked today about veggie stir fry recipes and after doing some searching and head scratching, I realized I hadn’t ever done a post on plain ol’ Vegetable Stir Fry It’s an oversight I shall now correct. Make no mistake about it. Stir fry is so easy to do and especially with the […]
Good Food! unResolution Month Post #31: Vegan Cookies and Cream Ice Cream
What would unResolution Month be without Vegan Cookies and Cream Ice Cream using Newman’s Own Newman-O’s? No where, that’s where!! Real quick, first it is with a heavy heart that I make this post. This is the final day of not only Vegan Week, but unResolution Month as a whole. It’s a bittersweet moment, but […]