I’ve been trying to branch out and try new ingredients, especially those typically associated with vegan cooking. During my experimentation, I ran across Nutritional Yeast in several recipes (including my spicy “buffalo wings”.) I had no idea what it was, so I consulted my friendly local Internet and found out all sorts of interesting tibits. Nutritional yeast […]
Food Wars: Carnivore, Vegetarian, Vegan, Raw
So I’m vegan. I don’t really talk about it too much on Blog Well Done because I am afraid I might scare off some of my hypothetical readers. I wasn’t always vegan but got inspiration from, vegan4k.com. In fact, when I was still doing blogspot.wordpress.com, I was a carnivore, though given that my wife was […]
Musings On Meat
So I was talking with my wife the other day about being vegetarian and whether we should attempt being vegan. I surprised myself. I have been really pondering why I don’t eat meat. At first, it was a health thing. Not so much that a meat free diet is healthier (it is, by the way) […]
Stir Fry Seitan
Part of my challenge with vegetarianism, especially as I head towards more strict vegetarianism, is getting protein. For the human body to function, even at rest, the USDA recommends 50g of protein per day. For those who do not eat meat, ingesting that much protein can be tough, especially when many vegetarian sources of protein […]
Recipe: Soyrizo Taquitos
In a episode of Dinner: Impossible, Chef Robert Irvine was tasked with preparing a cocktail party for a fashion designer in New York. During this challenge, he put together an amazing spread of finger foods including some awesome looking chorizo taquitos (he also did a salmon mousse which inspired the one I blogged on earlier.) A […]