1,000th Twitter User

As I type this, I am sitting at about 980 Twitter followers, which surprises me to no end.  For those who have stumbled on this post and do not use Twitter, from what I can tell reaching 1,000 followers seems to be a big hallmark in Twitterdom with a number of Tweeps (Twitter slang for other Twitter users) talking about what they going to do to celebrate their 1,000th follower.   (For more on Twitter and food blogging, check out Why Food Bloggers and Foodies Should Enter Into the Twitter World.)

Initially, I had the idea that for my 1,000th follower, I would offer them their own cookbook.  Find out their favorite ingredient or favorite type of cuisine and put together 10-15 different recipes, get it printed up and offer it to them as a gift for following. 

However, not to take anything away from that 1,000th follower, but what has made being on Twitter such an enriching experience personally and professionally is the relationships I formed with all of my followers, not just the yet to be determined 1,000. While I sincerely hope that I form a deep relationship with whoever 1,000 is, for the time being I want to celebrate the people I’ve already met and joked with and DMed with and gotten into Twitter wars and pun contests with.

Why I Called You Here

So here’s my deal.  First and foremost, I am a food writer.  It was what I love to think about and write about and share about.  So, for anyone who calls me a Twitter friend or who maybe I have touched in some way via Twitter, I humly beseech you to do me a favor.

Send me a recipe and a little story about Twitter.  The recipe can be anything you want.  It can reflect you or your blog or it can be something you like to eat.  (Pictures would be nice, too.)  Then send me a little reflection (maybe one paragraph) about Twitter or about something dumb I said or about how social media brings us all together.

If I get enough recipes (say maybe 50), I’ll edit them and combine them all into a book, add in my happy reflections of the Tweets we’ve shared, add whatever contact information you would like, and I’ll pay to have them published.  Then anyone who wants can sell them.  My goal is to sell enough that we can take the profits from the printing and make two donations in all our names: one to Share Our Strength and other to a technology charity (thoughts?) so that we can help others experience the joys of food and social media, too. 

Keep Reading

A couple other thoughts. 

First, if you don’t have a recipe, but want to contribute, that’s fine.  Send me your story and I will select a recipe that makes me think of you.  I want this to be about fellowship, not cooking skills.

Secondly, if you are wondering if you are a person who has made a difference in my Twitter experience or in my life, you probably are.  Submit something.  If you don’t, I’ll probably DM you at some point and ask anyway.

Third, I hate to do this, but I feel like I must.  Only submit recipes for which you legally own or have permission to share or else I have to turn them away.

If you are in, DM me or leave a comment here.  I’ll make a follow up announcement when we reach a critical mass.

Thanks!  I hope you all participate.

PS Whoever you are Mr. or Mrs. 1,000.  I will pay for a copy of the book for you for free.  I did not want you to feel too left out. 🙂


  1. I think Twitter, as well as other social media outlets, makes the world smaller and more accessible and shortens the distances between people. Now my recipe:

    Carl’s yummy hot sauce

    Put a mess of jalapeno peppers in a jar with an equal amount of garlic cloves. The peppers should be washed, destemmed and cut in two pieces. Cover this (barely) with white vinegar. After a week, blend it and use liberally because it is good on everything. Store it in the refrigerator.

  2. Hi!

    Thank you for linking to my post about Food Bloggers and Twitter. I hope at this moment you’re having your goals about Twitter!

    Totally agree with you, independently of the numbers of followers the most important thing is to interact and try to know deeply the foodies-followers at Twitter.

    No recipes from me, but I contribute with the tech and social aspects of this wonderful global community only in 140 chars..;-)

    Keep your good work!

    Gera http://twitter.com/sweetsfoods

  3. I replied to you on Twitter but I’ll leave a comment in case you missed my reply. I’ll get a recipe and a story to you.

    I’m at 973 followers so I’ve been thinking of something special to do in celebration too. I might give away 5 custom Twitter backgrounds. 😉

  4. I am so in! As a Baby Boomer ~ I’ve amassed many a favorite recipe over the years, of all types. I’m a fan of cooking & can whip up everything from comfort food to gourmet dinners & desserts ~ I will be happy to share a favorite of mine with my Twitter friends!

    I’m note sure how to submit, but I will do up an email for you! I already have some listed on my website but can do different ones if you’d like.

  5. I don’t have a lot of ‘self’ recipes you know? I’m really good at the steal it version.

    I have my mom’s chocolate cake with buttermilk? (as a kid we always frosted it with peanutbutter frosting and often had it on Sundays…)

    I make an awesome creamy chicken enchilada and NO cambell’s soups are allowed..but I do start with chicken broth? Kind of comes out different each time though…

    I have tweaked and massaged a banana muffin recipe so much that it absolutely must qualify as my own…

    What cha think…? as for my story…see my blog today??

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